The Nation Bangkok 2004 A Tolerant Nation Must also be a Just Nation By Ashali Varma When I was 11 years old, I lived in…
India Se (Singapore) July 2007 A Farewell to Arms…. By Ashali Varma One of the characteristics I most admired about my father was his love…
THE EARTH TIMES JUNE 30 – JULY 14, 1995 Boutros-Ghali, endorsing Unfpa’s focus on advocacy, urges more attention to population Agency’s Nafis Sadik, appointed to…
THE EARTH TIMES OCTOBER 31, 1994 Family Planning in Tunisia: A center of excellence By Ashali Varma In a region noted for having some of…
THE EARTH TIMES MARCH 21, 1993 Rauschenberg plans population art New painting to echo themes of Cairo parley as part of effort to promote wide…
THE EARTH TIMES OCTOBER 1 – 15, 1997 Population experts issues present research at London meeting for the next millennium Emphasis on reproductive health and…
THE EARTH TIMES Feb 8 1994 Meeting on Population By Ashali Varma UNITED NATIONS –Timothy E Wirth, Counselor to the United States, Department of State,…
THE EARTH TIMES/MALAYSIA REPORT JUNE 30 – JULY 14, 1995 The art of managing local or global population programs By Ashali Varma KAULA LUMPUR, Malaysia—The…
THE EARTH TIMES MAY 31 – JUNE 14,1995 Reproductive health is emphasized BY ASHALI VARMA Malacca, Malaysia—At a workshop arranged by the International Council on…
THE EARTH TIMES MAY 1 – 15 1998 Jane Fonda concerned about teen pregnancies By Ashali Varma UNITED NATIONS, New York—As an activist for women’s…